Monday, September 9, 2024

Preston Golf Club - Friday September 6th

In this 'summer' we are getting used to surprises.  Well today our surprise was scorching sun and a temperature of 26'C, on a slightly soft course after a bit of rain recently!  To those from central Lancashire the course was beautiful, with some gentle walks up and down across the brook that runs through the course.  There are plenty of mature trees to decorate the course, and catch the unwary, and to provide some welcome shade at times.  To those from nearer the coast used to flatter courses and firm fairways where the ball runs and runs, it was a bit of a shock!  Such is life.

We all seemed to enjoy the day and a cooling beer on the terrace afterwards, followed by a sumptious roast beef meal, one of the best we've had anywhere!


Winner of the September Bowl:    Paul Hooton          39pts

2nd                                                 Peter Watson         38 pts

3rd                                                 James Fazackerly  35 pts plus the only '2' on the day.

Longest drives    Men                    Nick Pilkington

                            Ladies                Sue O'Donnell

Nearest the pin                               Lindsay Jessup

Nearest the pin in 2                        Kevin O'Donnell - the Captain's Prize, a lovely gift of 

a bottle of REDLEG, a spiced, rum based grog! Hic.....

A couple of shady characters here - Captain Nick presenting the gorgeous September Bowl to Paul.

Monday, August 5, 2024


The HESVIC TROPHY is competed for once a year at Formby Ladies GC between Hesketh Causals and the Victoria golf Society.  The match is played  over 36 holes in an enjoyable and long day. This year we were blessed with excellent weather and even better the Victoria Society came out on top by 7.5 points to 4.5 and regained the trophy we had lost the previous year.

Onward to our next meeting at Preston Golf Course on Friday 6th September.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

WOOLTON GOLF COURSE - Friday 5th July 2024

 Following yesterday's political upheavals, it was very pleasant to return to some normality with a meeting at the lovely Woolton GC.  What's more the weather (for this summer) was a bonus, being able to play in shorts and tee shirts on the tree sheltered course, sloping down to the banks of the Mersey.  Note that - the MERSEY not the DEE, as that was where Mark Gabott was heading over the RUNCORN bridge enroute to Woolton.  It was while driving over the bridge he had a lightbulb moment and did an about turn (when able).  Don't forget to pay your tolls Mark or else a brown envelope will head your way.

As for the golf, well I said above that Woolton was a tree sheltered course, also meaning that the fairways were a little narrow in places, and the required direction was not always clear.  That's my excuse for a difficult day off the tee and around the course, although having a lesson the day before probably wouldn't help. 

Anyway judging from the scores some people enjoyed themselves......

Winner            Sue Fazackerly     39 points

2nd                  James Fazackerly 39 points cpo

3rd                  Alison Hyde          35 points

Good scores you three.

Nearest the Pin                        Gareth Ball

Nearest the pin in 2 (18th)      Mark Field

Longest Drive Ladies             Sue Fazackerly

Longest Drive Men                John Warham

Afterwards we enjoyed the hospitality in the lovely old Woolton clubhouse, beautifully extended, creating a lovely sheltered patio to sit and enjoy the view and post golf chatter.  The corridors at the back to the locker rooms were somewhat of a maze, and we should note that it is useful to know the locker room codes when you leave for a shower.  I changed in the shower room but John W spent a few minutes with not much on, seeking the locker room code, before being reunited with his clothes.

On to Formby Ladies on August 2nd for the HESVIC Trophy

Friday, June 7, 2024


We had a lovely afternoon at the secluded Didsbury GC, with the mature trees providing a good windbreak from the fresh summer breeze (haha).  Well it was a pleasant afternoon, although it could have been warmer.  At times it was hard to imagine we were only a couple of  miles from the centre of Manchester.  It really is a green oasis in the area.


Winner of June Trophy        Gareth Ball 37 pts

                            2nd           Chris Edwards 35pts cpo

                            3rd            John Warham

Longest Drive                      Peter Watson, much to his delight.

Ladies LD                            Sue Fazackerly

NTP                                      Gareth Ball

NTP2 Captain's prize           Mark Field - a bottle of Jamieson's donated by Captain Nick.

A delighted Gareth with his booty!

Afterwards we were fed a curry and chocolate cake by the excellent staff at the club, and departed on roads quieter than when we arrived.  Such is the traffic in Manchester these days.

Next event, July 5th Woolton GC. This is the last qualifying event for the HESVIC challenge in August. This will cost around £110 for 36 holes of golf, lunch and dinner at Formby Ladies, a real bargain these days!  Thanks to John Wilson for arranging the scorecards, and Sue O'Donnell as ever for the 'biscuits' and everyone's contributions to the Captain Charity for blobs and biscuits.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

The HESKETH GOLF CLUB SOUTHPORT - Friday 17th May 2024

 We are well into 2024 and thankfully the damp winter seems to be a thing of the past.  It certainly is judging by the condition of the HESKETH course, which is in fine condition as they prepare the course for the OPEN qualifier competition.  One consequence of that is that the rough is being allowed to grow, and while not being too dense to generally prevent you finding your ball, hitting said ball out the rough was not straightforward.  Having said that the fairways were firm meaning lots of run and the greens were firm, making for a good day all round, enjoyed by 25 members of the Victoria Golf Society on our latest meeting.

So the results:

1st on cpo     Terry Broderick    35pts 

2nd               Peter Hyde            35pts

3rd               Nuala Robinson    34pts.

Well done to you three, but a special mention to Nuala who is the HESKETH GC Ladies Captain this year, and is playing a lot of golf as you would expect in this role.

Alan Dean managed the only 2.

The Captains Prize, NTP in 2 on the 8th was won by Peter Hyde.  Longest drives were won by Evan Bale and Alison Hyde.

Thank you to the HESKETH Club and their members who played and enabled us to have a splendid day, followed by a superb  meal, the hospitality was second to none!

Terry Broderick won the May (Cochrane Carpet Care) Trophy won last year by Evan Bale.  It will be presented at a future occasion as Evan forgot to bring said trophy on the day......

The Temporary Trophy...

Vice Captain Bryan presenting Terry with his winnings sans trophy!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Wirral Golf Club - Friday 12th April

Well after all the rain recently we were not expecting a sparkling course on the Wirral but it wasn't too wet, certainly for us from central Lancashire. For you sandsiders it may have been a bit wet but hey it didn't rain and it was warm.  What more would you wish for!  And we sat on the patio for a pint afterwards, watching someone who is named later putting in from 20ft for a birdie.

16 golfers signed up, so well done all of you for turning up and playing.  


Winner of the Douglas Trophy     Sue O'Donnell        43 pts

2nd                                               Chris Edwards        37 pts

3rd                                                Kevin O'Donnell     37 pts

Longest Drive                              Terry Broderick    

Ladies LD                                    Sue O'Donnell

NTP                                             Bryan Robinson

NTP2                                           Paul Yates

2's - Evan Bale and Val Sumner.   Well done especially Evan on the tricky 17th hole which was all of 45 yards long.  I'm surprised our honorable treasurer allowed 2's on this hole, but the deed has been done!

The photo shows Sue receiving the trophy from Vice Captain Bryan.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

 Formby Ladies Spring Competition - March 15th 2024

Well we are off for 2024 with a dry day at the lovely Formby Ladies Golf Course.  There was no rain but there was a brisk westerly wind which made it a chilly experience, but making the redecorated clubhouse all the more welcoming at the end of the round.  We were served a warming steak pie followed by apple crumble, most welcome on a chilly March day.

It was a successful day for Captain Nick Pilkington's first meeting of the year.  28 golfers signed up for the day a healthy entry this early in the year. There were a number of excellent scores with the results being as follows....

Winner of the John Martin Spring Trophy    John Warham     41 pts

runner up                                                       Steve Neale        39 pts

3rd place                                                       Paul Stanson       38 pts

Men's Longest Drive                                    Andy Lang

Ladies Longest Drive                                   Yvonne Green (plus a sleeve of balls for 40 pts)

Nearest the pin on the 16th                          Yvonne Green

NTP in 2 on the 7th Captains Prize              Peter Watson

2's                                                                 John Warham

Here's John struggling to hold onto all his winnings, presented by Captain Nick.

(Nb - Yvonne as a new member is not immediately eligible to win the major prizes)

The Captains Charity raised £46.50p from the contributions for blobs and biscuits.

Onward to the next meeting at Wirral GC on 12th April

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

2024 Golf Programme

After the AGM on Thursday 1st February our programme for 2024 was outlined:

Friday March 15                Formby Ladies GC
Friday April 12                  Wirral Golf Club
Friday May 17                   Hesketh Golf Club
Friday June 7                    Didsbury GC
Friday July 5                    Woolton GC tbc
Friday August 2               HESVIC at Formby Ladies GC (36 holes)
Friday September 6         Preston GC
October 13/14 Mon/Tue  Captains trip Worsley Marriot TBC
Friday November 8          Heswall GC
Sunday December 8        Formby Ladies GC Christmas Comp

All the best to our 2024 Captain Nick Pilkington.  We are looking forward to some good golf and exciting Captain's challenges and prizes.....

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

 Formby Ladies Sunday 10th December 2023


After our November match at Helsby was called off it was a great pleasure to play Formby Ladies on Sunday.   And after the rain and gales of Saturday it was wonderful to walk onto the course with clean shoes and trollies, and walk off 18 holes later with them as clean as when we started.  The course was in excellent condition and after some early light drizzle the sun came out and we had a glorious conclusion to our rounds.

The 9th green from the 10th tee

15 golfers played, well done to them all for turning up in such unpromising circumstances but it turned out to be a lovely afternoon, followed, the evening, by an excellent meal in VOLARE in Southport, attended by 30 members.  The food was superb.

As for the competition, there were some excellent scores, especially considering the conditions.  The winner with 40 points on countback was treasurer Pete Watson, seen below grinning like a Cheshire cat, with Captain Nigel (centre) and Secretary Chris (right).  Thanks to them all for the hard work they have put in this year to organising a great years golfing.

In second place was Evan Bale, and in third place on countback again was Bryan Robinson.  For the minor prizes, the men's longest drive was won by new member Terry Broderick, the Ladies LD by Denise McInerney, back after her achilles has recovered.  Nearest the pin on the16th was John Wilson, and nearest the pin in 2 on the 7th was Evan Bale.  There was one 2 - can't remember offhand who.  I'm sure someone will remind me. Oh and Golfer of the Year was Kevin O'Donnell.  (Ed - I suppose that compensates for scoring 39 points today and finishing 4th!)

Captain Nigel won the raffle for the scrumptious fruit cake baked by Sue O'Donnell, and this raised £140.  Donations for blobs and biscuits (also made by Sue) throughout the year helped raise a total of around £600 which has been donated to Derian House Children's Hospice in Chorley.  Thanks to everyone for their generosity and company over the year, and here's to 2024.

Monday, October 9, 2023

  Hurlston Hall - Friday 6th October 2023

Unfortunately the rain had rained for the previous few weeks and this made for a wet course, making scoring hard work, which was a pity because in dry conditions Hurlston can be an enjoyable challenge.  However 18 golfers played the course and there were some good performances to spread the prizes around.  Well done to everyone who completed the round!

Winner        Evan Bale           32 points

2nd              Paul Hooton       30 points

3rd               Chris Edwards   28 points

Nearest the pin on the 7th was Peter Watson

Nearest the pin in 2 shots on the 14th was Nick Pilkington - an amazing feat to get on the green in 2!

Longest drive on the 18th Evan Bale.  Well done to Evan for hitting it long (as he always does) and straight!

Next meeting - November 10th Helsby Golf Club

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

 Prenton Park - Friday September 8th 2023

What a beautiful, excellently presented course to play in the middle of this scorching September heatwave..Prenton Park was as pretty as a picture and a lovely place to spend the afternoon, albeit a challenging time in the heat.  

Keeping concentration in the heat was a challenge, for me at least, but others managed very well, although the golfer here looks like he is about to fall over! 

Peter Hyde managed to head off the ladies challenge to win the September Bowl. 

PRIZES as follows:

Winner        Peter Hyde             37 pts

2nd              Nuala Robinson     36 pts

3rd               Sue O'Donnell       35 pts

Nearest the pin in 2 on the 18th Dean Straker

Longest drive John Wilson

And Peter Hyde cleaned up with nearest the pin on the 7th and also 2.  A good job he had the camper van for all the prizes.

We finished with a lovely meal served by the friendly staff in the comfy clubhouse.

Onward to October and a trip to Hurlston Hall for Captain Nigel's day out....


Treasurer Chris Edwards reported - sad news I'm afraid despite our gallant efforts we were not able to retain the trophy for a seventh year. We were narrowly beaten by a strong Hesketh Casuals side. I think it will make us more determined next year.  The score was 6.5 - 5.5 so hardly could have been closer, another 1/2 point and we would have retained the Trophy.

Onwards to 2024....


This was a very enjoyable evening hosted by Captain Nigel at the Athenaeum Club in Liverpool.  A fascinating tour of a very interesting building in central Liverpool was included with a dinner.  A memorable evening much enjoyed by the guests shown above.