Monday, March 20, 2023

Formby Ladies March 17th 2023

Friday 17th March (St Patrick's Day) heralded the start of the new season for Victoria Golf Society. The weather was reasonably kind with sunny warm spell’s broken up with the occasional rain shower. As always first event has its hiccups. 2 golfers cried off on the morning and one golfer who shall remain nameless drove to the wrong golf course with his partners clubs making for a fraught hour for the secretary reorganising tee times. 

Captain Nigel on the 1st tee with Steve......

The club also welcomed two new members John Edwards and Paul Hooton. In the end everything went fine with Paul Stanson winning with 42 points closely followed by Nick Pilkington on 40. Dean won men’s longest drive and Nuala the ladies. Peter Watson claimed both nearest pin awards. 

Captain Nigel presenting the trophy to Paul.... well done!

Our next event is 14th April at Knott End Golf Club