Wirral Golf Club - Friday 12th April
Well after all the rain recently we were not expecting a sparkling course on the Wirral but it wasn't too wet, certainly for us from central Lancashire. For you sandsiders it may have been a bit wet but hey it didn't rain and it was warm. What more would you wish for! And we sat on the patio for a pint afterwards, watching someone who is named later putting in from 20ft for a birdie.
16 golfers signed up, so well done all of you for turning up and playing.
Winner of the Douglas Trophy Sue O'Donnell 43 pts
2nd Chris Edwards 37 pts
3rd Kevin O'Donnell 37 pts
Longest Drive Terry Broderick
Ladies LD Sue O'Donnell
NTP Bryan Robinson
NTP2 Paul Yates
2's - Evan Bale and Val Sumner. Well done especially Evan on the tricky 17th hole which was all of 45 yards long. I'm surprised our honorable treasurer allowed 2's on this hole, but the deed has been done!
The photo shows Sue receiving the trophy from Vice Captain Bryan.