Friday, June 7, 2024


We had a lovely afternoon at the secluded Didsbury GC, with the mature trees providing a good windbreak from the fresh summer breeze (haha).  Well it was a pleasant afternoon, although it could have been warmer.  At times it was hard to imagine we were only a couple of  miles from the centre of Manchester.  It really is a green oasis in the area.


Winner of June Trophy        Gareth Ball 37 pts

                            2nd           Chris Edwards 35pts cpo

                            3rd            John Warham

Longest Drive                      Peter Watson, much to his delight.

Ladies LD                            Sue Fazackerly

NTP                                      Gareth Ball

NTP2 Captain's prize           Mark Field - a bottle of Jamieson's donated by Captain Nick.

A delighted Gareth with his booty!

Afterwards we were fed a curry and chocolate cake by the excellent staff at the club, and departed on roads quieter than when we arrived.  Such is the traffic in Manchester these days.

Next event, July 5th Woolton GC. This is the last qualifying event for the HESVIC challenge in August. This will cost around £110 for 36 holes of golf, lunch and dinner at Formby Ladies, a real bargain these days!  Thanks to John Wilson for arranging the scorecards, and Sue O'Donnell as ever for the 'biscuits' and everyone's contributions to the Captain Charity for blobs and biscuits.